After reading these post i think i'll sum up some of the most important issues that we need to deal with, imo.
1. Shadowpriest should be a must! Since we were lacking some serious dps last time i dont think we shuold have him DPS the curator all the time, but instead help on the adds and when curator goes into evocation he should nuke him to hell and with the extra dmg he can regen most of the healers mana.
2. Ranged DPS. As the adds are moving pretty fast and being nuked (moving from player to player) I would say that the most effective dps is the ranged. Of course we shouldnt ban rouges or dps warrs but just keep most of the dps ranged.
3. Positions. Here i found that deadly boss mod (download here was very helpful as it tells you when you are to close to another player. Having no Chained dmg from the adds should help the healers alot. We should position the raid in a half-circle as we did, and make sure were far enough away from other players. And have the curator tanked further away than last time, it will give the dps more room to spread out (you can seen this in the curator video in the other topic)
4. Raid Setup. 1 MT, 3 Healers (1 on MT and 2 on raid), 6 DPS: 1 Shadow Priest, 5 Random DPS (max 2 melee dps imo) It is also possible to have an off-tank, i didnt have time to see how our OT did last night but it seems that should be almost impossible to hold on to the adds when they are nuked so bad. But again i dont know about this since i only focussed on MT.
5. The Fight Itself. (so theres no doubt
) MT tanks curator about halfway down the hallway. The Rest of the raid is spread out making sure each player is not close to other players. When Curator spawn an arcane flare it is immidiately nuked by all DPS's and it must go down as soon as possible. The DPS will continue to nuke the adds and ONLY the adds, do not dps the boss. (exept locks who can put a curse of doom on him so it will hit him when he evocates).
When the curator goes into evocation he spawns 1 last add. Again it must be killed by the DPS very fast. When the last add is down, DPS must nuke the curator as he takes 200% or 300% damage when he evocates. When he is done with the evocation he will begin to spawn adds againg until he goes into evocation again and the fight will go on like that until he is at 15%.
At 15% the curator will go into enrage and do more damage. At this point he will no longer be spawning adds. DPS must all nuke the curator at this point and all healer focus on the MT. You cannot get aggro from the curator as the MT will have tons and tons of aggro on him already.
Please add or correct anything you may have thought of, and lets hope that metal bucket wont last much longer