First run to SSC was yesterday, what a blast, lovley to see us work so well as a team.
what can I say, dps AWESOME, tanking EXCELLENT, healing SUPERB!
Trash went down so much smoother then I ever had dreamed it would, with a bit of practice this will be dealt with in no time.
the Lurker below:
the fight itself dont seem to be that hard tbh. after a few earli wipes we started to get the situation more and more under controll, now we know what to expect and what we need to work on!
1. the spout, GET INTO THE WATER, dont get hit by it and dont try to outrun it.
2. the adds, not really an issue if all dps is alive, we dealt with it swift enough.
3. the whirl, hard for me as ranged to say something, but from what I understand it important we keep one tank in melee range at all times and also meleedps try n stand on the edge of the platform to avoid the knockback.
last of all, I HATE THEM FISHES! we had a good thing going when the fishes spawned!
was a fun night loads of progress imho, and a fair 30g repbill!
see ya tonight